Presentations and Addresses
The dynamic presentations and addresses offered by YouthSafe Outdoors not only educate, but inspire and motive people to work to enhance their risk management capacity. The combination of well-grounded research, current interest stories and case examples and humour combine to inform and entertain.
Dr. Glenda Hanna has been a keynote speaker in dozens of conferences and professional meetings across Canada. Her talks are usually rated among the highlights of such events. She has addressed several thousand people in her addresses and presentations.
Whether you are seeking a powerful keynote address or a basic session on a topical issue affecting your organization, YouthSafe Outdoors can help.
Presentation topics:
- Risk Management for School Off-site Activities: Separating Fact From Fiction and Fear
- Risk Management in Outdoor Pursuits: High Adventure… on the Safe Side
- Risk Management Policy Development and Governance: Establishing the Band of Acceptable Risk Tolerance
- Post-Incident Management: What to do When the Unthinkable has Happened
- Education for an Active Outdoor Lifestyle
- Risk Management and Legal Liability in Search and Rescue
- Other topics related to unique requests
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