Youthsafe Outdoors: Off-site Experience Safety for BC Schools (2005)
Project Description
The YouthSafe Outdoors: Field Trip Safety for British Columbia Schools (2005) resource was implemented in districts across BC to support school field trips. In an unprecedented collegial effort, every public education-related organization in BC participated at the table with YouthSafe Outdoors staff to help co-create a research and consensus-based, user-friendly resource.
Over 95% of public school districts in BC licensed in YouthSafe Outdoors (2005). All five Catholic dioceses also secured their licenses. A 2016 survey of public districts conducted by the BC School Protection Program found that 55/60 were using YSO.
Document Index
- YouthSafe Outdoors: Safety First! Guidelines for BC School Off-site Experiences
- YouthSafe Outdoors: Policy Development and Governance for BC Schools
- YouthSafe Outdoors: BC Schools Forms File
- YouthSafe Outdoors: Trip Leadership Resource for BC Schools
- YouthSafe Outdoors: Self-reliance in the Outdoors Instruction Resource for BC Schools
- YouthSafe Outdoors: BC School Off-site Experience Resource for Parents and Guardians
- YouthSafe Outdoors: References and Additional Resources for BC Schools
Our Sponsors and Partners
BC Schools Advisory Team (2004-05)
The YouthSafe Outdoors: BC Schools Advisory Team was a diverse group of people with a common interest in helping BC youth learn to be safe, active, lifelong learners. The Advisory Team reflected the perspective of the many individuals and organizations needed to enhance off-site experience safety in BC schools. As a group, they sought to combat fear with facts and to help lower the barriers, real and perceived, to schools taking students off-site. The team included people with backgrounds in a variety of disciplines, including classroom and field instruction, school administration, school district administration, policy development and governance, physical education, outdoor education, risk management, legal liability, search and rescue prevention, recreation, and leadership development.
The undersigned organizations participated in the review of this research-based resource and recommend it for consideration as part of the planning process for school off-site activities. In a resource of this scope, reflecting law and practice that is constantly evolving, each organization’s recommendation cannot be construed as a specific endorsement of every point covered in the resource, but there was universal consensus that the use of this guide along with other available resources (e.g., board policy and procedures) will aid schools and school districts in their aims for continuous improvement of student safety for off-site activities.
The following individuals (listed alphabetically) participated on the YSO BC Schools Advisory Team (2004-05):
Simon Adams | BC Camping Association |
Janice Butler | School Protection Program (SPP) |
Judith Clark | BC School Trustees Association (BCSTA) |
Doug Detwiller | Sprockids, School District No. 46 (Sunshine Coast) |
Larry Guthrie | School District No. 36 (Surrey) |
Janet Hoefer | School Protection Program (SPP) |
Randy Hoffman | School District No. 22 (Vernon) |
Andrew Humphries | TREK Outdoor Education Program, SD No. 39 (Vancouver) |
Bob Janzen | BC School District Secretary-Treasurers' Association (BCSDSTA) |
Cyndie Jones | Provincial Emergency Program (PEP): AdventureSmart |
Robert Lawrence | BC School Safety Association (BCSSA) |
Peter Malloy | School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) |
Jim McAllister | Provincial Emergency Program (PEP): AdventureSmart |
Don McBeath | BC Principals' and Vice Principals' Association (BCPVPA) |
Ed McGuigan | School Protection Program (SPP) |
Collette O’Reilly | BC School Safety Association (BCSSA) |
Marlinna Stringer | BC Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC) |
Stan Watchorn | BC School Superintendents Association (BCSSA) |
Sharon White | BC Ministry of Tourism, Sports and the Arts – Sport Branch |
Glenn Young | BC Teachers’ Federation, Physical Education BC, SD No. 36 (Surrey) |
Licensed Public Districts (2005)
5 (Southeast Kootenay)
6 (Rocky Mountain)
8 (Kootenay Lake)
10 (Arrow Lakes)
19 (Revelstoke)
20 (Kootenay-Columbia)
22 (Vernon)
23 (Central Okanagan)
28 (Quesnel)
33 (Chilliwack)
35 (Langley)
36 (Surrey)
37 (Delta)
38 (Richmond)
39 (Vancouver)
40 (New Westminster)
41 (Burnaby)
42 (Maple Ridge-Pitt Meadows)
43 (Coquitlam)
44 (North Vancouver)
45 (West Vancouver)
46 (Sunshine Coast)
47 (Powell River)
48 (Howe Sound)
49 (Central Coast)
50 (Haida Gwaii)
51 (Boundary)
53 (Okanagan-Similkameen)
54 (Bulkley Valley)
57 (Prince George)
58 (Nicola-Similkameen)
59 (Peace River South)
60 (Peace River North)
61 (Greater Victoria)
62 (Sooke)
63 (Saanich)
64 (Gulf Islands)
67 (Okanagan Skaha)
68 (Nanaimo-Ladysmith)
69 (Qualicum)
70 (Alberni)
72 (Campbell River)
73 (Kamloops/Thompson)
75 (Mission)
78 (Fraser Cascade)
79 (Cowichan Valley)
81 (Fort Nelson)
82 (Coast Mountains)
83 (North Okanagan-Shushwap)
84 (Vancouver Island West)
85 (Van Island North)
87 (Stikine)
91 (Nechako Lakes)
92 (Nisga’a)
93 (Francophone Education Authority)
Licensed Catholic Independent Schools Archdiocese and Dioceses in BC (2005)
- Vancouver Archdiocese
- Kamloops Diocese
- Nelson Diocese
- Prince George Diocese
- Victoria Diocese
What BC Educators are Saying about YouthSafe Outdoors
When asked what they would tell their Superintendents or Board Chairs about YouthSafe Outdoors, this is a sample of what BC school administrators and teachers who attended one of eight regional workshops held had to say:
This is a very good resource for all field trip leaders. It has useful material for most teachers and excellent material for staff development or Pro-D days.
Josef Segwerd, Sardis Secondary School, SD 33
Jim Burnham, Vice Principal, John Oliver Secondary School
(Take a Hike Program), SD 39
I love it because it encourages people to plan appropriate trips.
Jake Friesen, PASS/Woodwinds, SD 69
This has motivated me to continue my practice of providing my students with outdoor activities. I am much more comfortable with liability issues.
Janice Walberg, Buckhorn Elementary School / International Education Coordinator
It’s great! I like the emphasis on tools and resources, not rules and restrictions. I was concerned that a school board initiative would overwhelm us with paper and limit us with procedures and policies; this, in contrast, was viable and grounded in reality.
Nick Boulding, John Oliver School (Trek Program), SD 39
Adopt many of the user-friendly forms to streamline paperwork. Include some of the educational focuses.
Darrell Dinsdale, Parkland Elementary School, SD 28
Adopt it as guidelines for all of our activities!
Alan Barwin, Central Middle School, SD 61
We need to implement these processes at the district level.
Craig Horswell, College Heights Secondary School, SD 57
This was a very informative presentation. It answered questions regarding liabilities, risk assessment, trip planning, implementation and reflection. This workshop has given me more insight and confidence. Thank you so much for an amazing conference! You have done an excellent job. Your efforts are greatly appreciated!
John Pavão, John Oliver Secondary School (Trek Program), SD 39
The workshop was well organized and the examples that were cited helped me to visualize what I may do to be more prepared for my high care trip.
Darrell Dinsdale, Parkland Elementary School, SD 28
I really found the information in the resource, lecture and discussions incredibly useful and practical.
Gillian Wilson-Haffender, Lord Kitchener Elementary School, SD 39
I see this resource as an excellent tool for justifying Outdoor Programs in schools and for creating more consistency amongst outdoor program guidelines. This is a step forward for Outdoor Programs in BC.
Graeme Marshall, LV Rogers Secondary School, SD 8
The workshop was very informative, especially for me as a new teacher. I appreciated all the great encouragement provided for teachers to get their students involved in outdoor activities. The resources are very helpful.
Andrea Tiechter, Student Teacher, SD 23
Don Lefler, College Heights Secondary School, SD 57
We already practise most of this, but it is extremely useful to have a thorough, systematic manual to use. It will make my work more efficient and take out much of the uncertainty I sometimes have about our practices.
Diane Phillips, Prince of Wales Secondary School, SD 39
I will definitely use this resource for my future off-site activities and field trips. It already makes me feel more comfortable about the safety issues concerning certain activities.
Penny Lambright, Sparwood Secondary School, SD 5
Extremely, helpful, worthwhile, and encouraging. It’s a lot of information to get through in a one-day session.
Don Schneider, Dragon Lake Elementary School, SD 28
Very practical and comprehensive resource for any teacher, especially Outdoor Education teachers, involved in planning field trips.
Trent Pontulti, Mount Boucherie Secondary School, SD 23
Organized, concise, comprehensive and informative.
Klaus Klein, Therapist, John Oliver Secondary School (Take a Hike Program), SD 39
We should do a Board presentation. This resource can be used to start an Outdoor Education program at the high school level.
Mike Rutlan, AD Secondary School, SD 70
It’s a very valuable, comprehensive resource for outdoor education experiences. I like the fact it’s on “Word”!! I want to use it today.
Stacey Sveistrup, McKechnie Elementary School, SD 39
Use this resource. Take the workshop. Support teachers who want to do more field trips.
Bob Wilde, Kersley Elementary School, SD 28
Bring this information to all of the schools in the district – i.e., workshops or in-services – to principals who in turn teach it to their staff. This is very important information to have our youth safe outdoors.
Penny Lambright, Sparwood Secondary School, SD 5
It was worthwhile and on the right track. I will suggest an in-service in the school district once the resource is better learned.
Chris Cooper, Ray Watkins Elementary School, SD 84
Every school should have this information and all staff should be familiar with it, how to access it, and how to use it. The school board policies should complement or reflect the guidelines and recommendations in the YouthSafe Outdoors manual.
Teacher, Richmond Regional Workshop
The workshop was informative, well paced and participants were given ample time to get themselves familiar with the document.
Harjinder Sandu, Vice Principal, Walter Morberly Elementary School, SD 39
Well done and most informative.
Bill Gook, Assistant Superintendent, SD 5
Excellent + Practical +Passionate
Cindy Hertman, Vice Principal, Heather Park Middle School, SD 57
Glenda shared her passion for promoting an active lifestyle education. She was well informed and organized and was able to convey a ton of information efficiently.
Wendy Hogg, Vice Principal, Highlands Secondary School, SD 5
Time well spent and a comprehensive document.
Bob Minosky, Director of Student Support Services, SD 20
A great resource! It will be very valuable when used more and more!
Dave Steepoeh Cedar Community Secondary, SD 69
Well organized – very comprehensive.
Dr. Hugh Twa, Principal, Rocky Mountain Elementary School, SD 5
Nice to see all this information together! It saves us a lot of work!!
Michel Thibeault, Principal, SD 93
I appreciate the valuable resource presented in the binder/CD. I feel that I have access to any information I need regarding elementary field trips.
Connie Monger, Vice Principal, Lee Elementary School, SD 38
This resource is long overdue and will help schools make informed decisions.
Doug Hogg, Principal of Technology, SD 5
Very practical and necessary information, and it’s easy to use. YouthSafe Outdoors replaces fear and uncertainty with a level of confidence for being prepared and for decision-making. It shows respect for professional judgement with parameters that all vested parties can be comfortable with.
Administrator, Vancouver School Board, SD 39
This is an outstanding resource that will improve student safety on off-site experiences.
Rob Schindel, Vice Principal, Tupper Secondary School, SD 39
This is a good district resource for efficiency and consistency.
Brent Speidel, Principal, Garibaldi Highlands Elementary School, SD 48
The "why" take children on risky activities discussion to explore the value/need of these types of activities needs to be perpetuated amongst all stakeholders (parents, teachers, students, Board, and Ministry).
Jim Rutney, Vice Principal, Churchill Secondary School, SD 39
Informative and user-friendly document. It is worthwhile to have at each school on CD and hard copy. It would be beneficial to have this workshop available to all teachers organizing ‘high risk’ field trips, and to also include school board policies.
Hardinger Sandu, Vice Principal, Water Moberly Elementary School, SD 39
Awesome – Excellent Resource!! We need to make sure more teachers and administrators are informed.
Cindy Hertman, Vice Principal, Heather Park Middle School, SD 57
This workshop is a must for all staff. The Vancouver School District needs to be able to deliver it. Everyone who takes a child off-site should know what he or she needs to do/know/be responsible for! It shouldn’t be left to administrators to inform each one.
Debra Martel, Vice Principal, David Thompson Secondary School, SD 39
I will tell the Associate Superintendents the value of the resource in detail planning and the balance between risk and skill acquisition.
Jennifer Cook, Vancouver School District Education Coordinator, SD 39
We need to use this resource to establish our outdoor activity policies.
Luc St. Denis, Principal, Shady Valley Elementary School, SD 57
YouthSafe Outdoors is an excellent resource to support our existing school district policy.
Hugh Gloster, Director of Education, Central Okanogan-Kelowna School District, SD 23
This is an outstanding resource to be used in policy development and in the instructional program.
Denis Harrigan, District Principal, Greater Victoria School District, SD 61
We need a new focus/redirection (choice/focus) for our individual schools/district that supports healthy schools, especially with the wide range of outdoor opportunities available in Prince George.
Jenny Rankin, Vice Principal, College Heights Secondary School, SD 57
“Get on it!” Schools need this stuff right away to be planning their field trips. Please distribute the binders/CDs to us ASAP – we’re already planning next year’s activities.
Ellen Yogyorosi, Vice Principal, Magee Secondary School, SD 39
A great resource! It will be very valuable when used more and more! It should be used
Dave Steepoch, Vice Principal, Cedar Community Secondary School, SD 68
A good resource for staff, particularly for those not familiar with inherent risks taking students outdoors.
Jeff Baker, Principal, Lake Cowichan Secondary School, SD 79
Each school needs to have a copy of this resource.
Jake Friesen, Teacher, PASS Woodwinds, SD 69